We have money or we have time….

In the blink of an eye, we woke up to owning two music schools with over 200 music students, six potential apartments, two mortgages and a house that was straight out of the 50′s with a double lot and gardens everywhere.  We have a lot…no a TON of work ahead of us, and it always seems that we either have the money or the time to complete each project! But never both 🙂

My husband, Jack and I have been together for over ten years. We started out as business partners.  After about a month of working together, he came over to my place, and well….never left! In the past ten years, we have learned how to work very well together and have fun doing just about anything.


Not a day passes around here without some event, project, renovation, DIY inspiration or absolute insane idea. So we decided to start a blog about recycling, upcycling and tackling your own projects and saving a ton of money!

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